For the moment the application contains only one - Intro - presentation, which is stored in the intro.json specification file and graphics stored in intro*.* files.
Presentation format
Presentation is specified using the JSON format (see below or at internal sample). It's a series of sections (=array), each has it's own title (sectionTitle), id (sectionId) and slides (=array), every slide is an object with properties title (slide title), description (textual description of the slide - in plain text, lines are delimited using \n) and series of images images (image file names). The images of particular slide are shown as an infinite slideshow (with some smooth transition between them).
The presentation screen will usually contain a progress indicator (circle for each slide which can be clicked in order to switch to this slide, slide being shown has highlighted circle). The screen probably also contains buttons "continue" (switch to following slide) and skip (cancels the whole presentation). There will be also section switcher.
[ { "sectionTitle": "Statistical View", "sectionId": "Overview", "slides": [ { "title": "Welcome & Govern Your Data", "description": "Govern Your Data is our Mantra. Our Marta is to power our customers and create unique view to the data tediously gathered over years. This tool is unique view into sequence of events log and allows you seamessly to browse through all your plant history.", "images": [ "intro_step_0.png" ] }, { "title": "Functional area selection", "description": "Narrow your investigation. Select only functional area you are interested in.", "images": [ "intro_step_1_0a.png", "intro_step_1_4a.png", "intro_step_1_4b.png", "intro_step_1_4c.png", "intro_step_1_4d.png" ] } ] }, { "sectionTitle": "Events Viewer", "sectionId": "Detail", "slides": [ { "title": "Events Viewer", "description": "Sequence of events is shown in very intuitive way. No need to go through thousands lines of text. See with few touches all events as they happened.", "images": [ "intro_step_2_0a.png" ] }, { "title": "Customize signals order", "description": "Reorder signals is signals can be reordered by simply dragging them. Reordering works within a group.", "images": [ "intro_step_2_0ax.png", "intro_step_2_4a.png", "intro_step_2_4b.png", "intro_step_2_4c.png", "intro_step_2_4d.png", "intro_step_2_4e.png" ] } ] }, { "sectionTitle": "Documentation and Reporting", "sectionId": "Docs", "slides": [ { "title": "That's it.", "description": "Now you're ready to get your hands on the live app.\n\nIf you have missed something, you may open a Quick help at anytime by touching the Help icon in the top right corner. You may also open this tutorial again from there.\n\nHave further questions? Let us know at", "images": [ "intro_step_0.png" ] } ] } ]