Data Integrity Check Tool
This tools allows you to validate dataset against some of the rules imposed by the Database notes. Violating these rules inside datasets may cause improper behavior/crashes of the Historian application. Detailed description of the rules being checked is provided below.
The application can be found at shared DropBox folder (Dropbox\99 - Inflex\Historian Versions\Data Integrity Check).
Applicaction parameters
- connectionstring - required parameter that specifies connection to the database that should be checked. Connection string syntax and options are described here
- -R - this is an optional parameter which forces the utility to automatically remove invalid KKS and SOE records and trims trailing spaces from KKS names and signal types
Connectionstring Notes
Connection string should usually contain following parameters:
- Server - server name
- Database - database name
- Uid - user login
- Pwd - password
Checked rules
- Availability of table KKS and its required columns
- Availability of table SOE and its required columns
- Availability of table BPR_SIGNAL and its required columns
- Each record in KKS should contain existing table name in the TABLE_NAME column
- Every particular TAG table belonging to some KKS should contain corresponding columns (differs for binary/analogue signals)
Application Parameters Sample
"Server=;Database=dewa;Uid=user;Pwd=password;" -R